Career Connection
Connecting students to the vast number of career opportunities in Ohio agriculture

Whether students want to work on a farm, or in an office, laboratory, field, or classroom, the FFA prepares its members to be successful. Through the Ohio FFA Career Connection video series, students will get to know various professionals and learn how they can jumpstart their future careers while still in FFA.
Thanks to Ohio Corn & Wheat, the Ohio FFA Foundation is offering the Career Connection series as a free resource for teachers and students. In addition to the video series found on Ohio FFA’s YouTube Channel, there is a universal worksheet for students to complete that can accompany any episode.
A fillable PDF version of the worksheet is available here.

Ohio FFA Career Connection videos cover careers in:
- Agribusiness
- Commodity Organizations
- Precision Agriculture
- Animal Production
- Metal Fabrication
- Meat Science
- Agricultural Mechanics
- Soil and Water Conservation
- Agricultural Education
- and more!