Fruit & Companion Products Sale
Sale Begins: October 3, 2024
The Fruit & Companion Products Sale is the Right Fundraiser for Your FFA Chapter
For many years, the Fruit & Companion Products Sale has been a major fundraiser for Ohio FFA chapters. The annual Fruit & Companion Products Sale helps support statewide programs and events. Thanks to a variety of dedicated vendors, a rebate per case or unit is given to the Ohio FFA Foundation. This helps the Ohio FFA provide opportunities such as conferences, student award programs and the Ohio FFA Convention.
If you are looking for a way to raise money for your chapter that engages community members and allows you to customize your product offerings to your local community, start planning now for your chapter to participate in the Fruit & Companion Products Sale held each fall.

A Fundraiser with Long-standing Tradition in Ohio
The organization and growth of nationwide FFA citrus sales were a result of the first citrus sales program held in Ohio by the South Charleston FFA Chapter and James R. Beckley, advisor, in 1961. He later transitioned teaching positions to Northridge FFA and, as a result, all FFA chapters in Licking County conducted the first countywide citrus sales program in the nation. In 1969, Merlin A. Wentworth, a former student teacher in Licking County, began teaching at Amanda in Fairfield County. Working through the Florida Citrus Commission and Seald Sweet Growers, Inc., he presented the sales program idea to his fellow educators. The success of the program became widely known, and Ohio soon became a role model for FFA citrus sales throughout the country.
- Please use only the approved vendors listed below. These vendors have agreed to give a rebate to the Ohio FFA Foundation to fund student activities and awards. Vendors not listed have no formal obligation to support the Ohio FFA Foundation, which in turn, supports you and your students.
- Teachers should contact vendors directly for exact pricing.
- There will be no statewide minimum pricing for the fruit & companion products sale. Teachers are strongly encouraged to work with chapters in their area to establish local pricing standards.
- All orders must be made directly with your vendor.
- Work with your supplier on any specific procedures and problems.
- Your chapter may begin sales on or after October 3, 2024.
- Please pay your invoice on time.
- If you know of a vendor that is not on our list of approved vendors, please let us know and we will invite them to become a part of the Ohio FFA Foundation Fruit & Companion Products Sale.
- Bauman Orchards, Inc.
- Bigfoot Dust
- Blue Freedom Farms
- Buff Lo Dip
- Deaton Popcorn
- D.B. Yummers Barbeque Sauce
- Fischer Foods
- Florida Farm Bureau Marketing Division
- Florida Fruit Association
- Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse
- Fruit Growers Marketing Association
- Fuhrmann Orchards LLC
- Jose Madrid Salsa
- Nate’s Nectar
- Nature’s Honey Tree
- Pee Jay’s Fresh Fruit
- Pearl Valley Cheese, Inc.
- Rural Beans Roastery
- Signature Beef
- Stoller Fundraising
- The Crazy Kernel Kettle Corn Company
- The Mullen Dairy and Creamery
- Wendel’s BBQ Products
- West Walnut Sisters
Ohio FFA Foundation, Inc.
Shelby Brown,
717 A East 17th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43211