The Ohio FFA officers consists of the six state FFA officers: state president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, sentinel; and five vice president at large.
The purpose of the Ohio FFA officer program is to provide effective leadership for the Ohio FFA Association. This can best be met by providing a motivational program for the membership and by being an instructional and developmental program for the state officers. Additionally, this program provides a public relations source for agricultural education and the FFA, a resource for teachers, and a positive image through a connection with individuals in agricultural education related organizations.
The state FFA officers are elected at state convention in May. Officers begin their year of service with training sessions where they meet and get to know the other team members, learn about their duties and responsibilities, and plan and set goals for the upcoming year. The Ohio FFA officers spend the summer attending all of the FFA Camp Muskingum sessions. Additionally, the state president and vice president attend the State Presidents’ Conference in Washington, D.C.
During the fall, officers present chapter workshops, Greenhand speeches, and conduct numerous fall camps and coordinate and present the Ohio Legislative Leadership Conference (OLLC). The officers serves as delegates to the National FFA Convention in October and hold a holiday celebration for their families in December. As winter continues, plans for the state convention become a priority and the officers begin preparing to attend chapter meetings, activities and banquets. As convention nears, officers spend time writing scripts, finalizing committee work, and practicing for the state convention.